Let Go of Fear

This is a meditative poem that I wrote while in the depths of the Amazon Rainforest in October 2019 after an Ayahuasca ceremony that really launched me into the present moment.

Let go of fear

And just be here.

There’s no better place to be,

Even though there are a lot of places to see,

Come back to the present.

Here and now.

If this is a struggle,

I’ll show you how

Simple it is to live free.

Come back to your breath

And imagine you’re a tree.

Each breath you take,

You grow toward the sky,

You deepen your roots,

Which allows you to fly.

Your natural instinct

Is to absorb light

And flourish even in the darkness

Of the night.

We are nature

Can’t you see.

The purest form of energy.

Let go of your worries

And forgive your past.

Be patient.

The best things don’t come fast.

Though I’m certain the changes will last.

It’s ok to take your time

And go slow.

Give yourself the space

To grow,

Be present,

And surrender to the Universe’s flow.

If this poem resonates with your heart and soul, I invite you to join the Wolfpack, a global community of conscious leaders that are devoted to embodying the change we wish to see in the world, living fully, protecting the planet, and HOWLING OUR TRUTH.

As a part of the Wolfpack, you will receive weekly insights and poetry from me, as well as opportunities to cultivate meaningful connections in our online gatherings.

It would be an honor to share this journey with you!!

With love and gratitude,
